![]() 06/06/2017 at 09:42 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I hate to target a particular age demographic here, but let’s just say that this is a problem that I’ve noticed to be acutely prevalent in a demographic that rhymes with “shucking biennials.”
Yesterday, my boss and I were meeting with a visitor who is quite important and also quite nice. On the way to lunch, we ran into a colleague and I invited her to lunch. I’m a big believer in introducing people to important personal connections. At this stage in my life, I solve the vast majority of problems that I have through personal connections I’ve already established.
So we go to lunch and my boss and I are explaining what this colleague does. I look over and she’s on her phone. Not like, secretly texting, but rather, her phone is laying on the table and she’s reading emails. During a conversation. That involves her . So I kicked her under the table (probably something that will go on my next list of things I do that should get me fired) and then gave her a death stare.
And I’ve had this fucking conversation before. With this particular person as well as others. It’s fine if you think you can multitask and write emails, text, Tumble, whatever while also keeping up with what’s going on around you. That’s great, really. But if you don’t actively give your attention to people while they’re around you, they’re going to think you’re a dipshit.
And of course, having this conversation with this particular demographic is always difficult, since even the gentlest of criticisms is usually met with sulking and a reaction like you said you just killed their dog.
I mean, I do not get how people can live in a world where they’re constantly concerned with their image online, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc., but are still so fucking lacking of self-awareness in how they present themselves in person. Smile, nod, make eye contact. It’s not that difficult.
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Opposite view:
Management (read: you old guys) doesn’t pay us enough to care about this conversation. I’m an older millennial.
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Millenial here: The phone obsession is horrible in my generation. Although at least I have the self awareness to flip it over during conversations.
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Some of us have a bit of decency. Unless my friends and I are showing each other memes or funny things over lunch, I never look at my phone. I’ll only do so when I’m eating alone. It always helps to have some courtesy and respect for others. It’s so simple yet so complicated for some to understand.
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Don’t. Pay. You. Enough.
Let’s break that down. First of all, you (not necessarily you, but maybe you?) are younger, and working up the ladder and pay scale is something you work at, not are handed.
Second, “Pay you”, as in you are getting paid to do a job. If you don’t think you are being paid enough, find a different job. If you want to find a better job, you must have connections and be worth it. You don’t just get paid because you are there and breathing.
So this management person is trying to help you to make connections and get paid more, and you feel you are not paid enough to be concerned with making connections so you can get paid more? I mean, there’s logic in there somewhere? I guess?
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I’m with ya, HBG.
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Good news: millennials will put themselves in Guantanamo soon enough
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I don’t think it’s our demographic as a whole but more a specific percentage that has taken a certain path. That shit drives me crazy.
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Can not star this enough. I’m 33 and in project management and face these issues constantly. Our customers will be on site discussing the project with us and all those under 30 are staring at their toes. Drives me insane.
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But... that’s not how life works, though...
I mean, I’m a complete dipshit, with no special skills, abilities, and a questionable work ethic. But I do my best to present a good image of myself and act charming, which means I get people to give me money despite adding zero value.
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“ shucking biennials. ”
Seriously, if you ’ re only cleaning oysters twice a year, you don ’ t even like oysters and you ’ re probably just doing it for the Instagram photo op. I bet she ’ s a lazy f*cking millennial, too.
I fully support any Millenial who wants to defect to Gen X, our doors are pretty wide open to anyone who’d like to jump ship. Within reason. Our hazing is pretty intense, it involves things like arriving at work before 8am every day for about 40 years.
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I’m a millennial and I have a very firm view on this one. It doesn’t fucking matter if you agree with the pay. You accept a job you accept the responsibilities that come with it. Looking at it in your light is why the other generations look down on us. Myself I have seen jobs that don’t pay what I think they should, do you know what I do? I don’t take the job.
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I’m at the older end of the “millenial” crowd (They used to call us “Generation Y” before the term “millenial” came about), and the things that people my age do make me wonder what the hell is going on in their heads.
One of my rules is: phone in my pocket during meals, especially meals with important people or work colleagues. Not on the table, but in my damn pocket, so I can pay attention to the human beings in front of me . It’s simple decency. I blame peoples’ parents for not teaching them good manners. When I first got a cell phone as a teenager, I was told countless times to “PUT YOUR DAMN PHONE AWAY DURING DINNER!” And it stuck.
That sounds like grounds for termination for me.
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I genuinely do not understand it. My grandfather was a salesman and had a number of successful businesses doing everything from selling aluminum siding and insurance to being a homebuilding contractor. I had it drilled into me from a young age that there is nothing more important than how you present yourself to your customers and colleagues.
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At some point in your life you will realize that life isn’t about money. If you aren’t happy doing what you are doing and you arent going to give it 100%, don’t do it. You aren’t helping yourself, your family or your company. You are always going to be paid what your job supports, and that is a simple supply and demand calculation. Moral of this story is that if you don’t like your job, quit now before you feel too invested to be able to quit.
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Trucking Perennials?
Largely, I’m with you. Which makes it more amusing that our local phone dweller is FORTY-FIVE. He can mostly get away with it, because he seems to have ridiculous mental capacity—he can carry on conversation just fine while typing or reading on his phone—and it obviously doesn’t impact his performance, as he’s our top salesman by a wide margin. But he’s been told repeatedly to not bring his phone into staff meetings and it hasn’t sunk in yet...
But he can get away with this, as he’s built the reputation. When you’re starting from the ground floor you can’t appear that oblivious.
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At some point in the future, history will look back on 2007 as the point when Apple released a virulent plague upon humanity. I can’t believe how kids (at least tweens/teens) all seem like nothing more than sulking, shitty little zombies who can’t/won’t do anything that doesn’t involve poking at a little rectangle of glass and metal.
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She’s a complete dipshit, but I will say in all fairness that Iran is just about the most bullshit boogieman we could invent.
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On a serious note, I’ve seen offices that treat younger employees teams as rapid-response staff who should immediately respond to crisis ranging from an actual crisis to putting another jug on the water cooler. They also expect younger staff to immediately respond to emails, because they “understand technology.”
I agree that there’s too much screen-multitasking at work, but there’s also an expectation that you must monitor and respond to your devices immediately.
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You’re one of the good ones.
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Thereby guaranteeing that you never will get paid enough to care about this conversation...
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“But I get my work done anyway!”
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Sure, blame all of us.
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I dunno hanging gay people is kinda a boogeyman thing to do
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Oh yeah, I know that we’re reaching the point where practically everyone does it now, but at least with older people I can take them aside and say “that’s obnoxious” and they most they’ll do is ignore me, rather than slipping into a deep depression.
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And this is the problem. Goats was trying to help “you” by introducing you to a new connection. By explaining to this new connection what you do (i.e., how you can help the customer). This customer may want to hire you for more money at some point in the future. Establishing a connection with this customer may help you rise at your current company to get more pay. Establishing a connection with this customer may help you steal the customer if you move to a different company. And you apparently are too shortsighted to see any of this (or be thankful for the opportunity) because you’d rather play on your phone. And when you don’t get promoted or actually get shitcanned, you’ll blame someone else instead of analyzing your own shortcomings. And when you can’t find a new job because of your lack of connections and contacts, it will be someone else’s fault.
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I understand your frustration, but there needs to be a better way to describe these people besides referring to everyone born over several decades. I’m 31. That makes me a millennial.
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The charm is added value. If you were all that and a dick, you’d be nowhere.
You never know what’s doing it for you, though. One of our sales guys I’m SURE attracts customers based on his allowing him to run over him and because he’s fun to bug—takes everyone too seriously. A large number of his accounts are hot-tempered and seem constantly mad at him. Yet they come back...
Whatever works I guess...
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I regret that I can only give this one star.
Welcome to being an adult where you actually have to work towards something if you want it.
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Fortunately for us, adamftw was able to capture, in one post, the entire summary of anti-millennial sentiment in the world. I guess that’s something accomplished today?
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This is true - companies can’t have it both ways. I’ve been lucky enough to work for people who don’t do this (I’m old enough that this is strategic on my part), but there sure are a lot of people in the business world who are following up on emails that haven’t been answered in OVER ONE MINUTE.
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Oh, the Iranian government is definitely draconian. But Iranians—like, actual citizens, not post-1979 expats—tend to be quite liberal. Iran also has a very complex system of checks and balances (based on the U.S., in fact) and isn’t a run by a death cult looking for the best moment to start a nuclear war by attacking Israel.
And most importantly, Iran is a stable democracy that, without sanctions and a pariah status, would actually be able to provide a stabilizing influence in the region. Unlike the goddamn Saudis who are our best friends, despite devoting buckets of cash into exporting extremist and terrorist ideologies.
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I totally agree. I tend to consider “millennials” more to mean “people younger than me who are also dipshits.”
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To be fair, different people listen in different ways. I tend to be at my best with my eyes closed. Obviously I can’t do that in a business situation, so if I’m the third cog in a conversation I tend to focus on something besides either of the other 2 participants. Whether that be a product sample or staring into the distance. I just find if there’s two or more people to pay attention to, I can take in the conversation better if I’m not consciously concentrating on the current speaker.
But I try to keep my eyes up, at least.
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I have this problem. I’m 37. My wife gets mad when I have my phone out. I now make a decided effort to leave it places where I can’t access it when I know that company is coming over or when I am in a meeting that demands my attention.
I don’t think it’s strictly a millenial thing. People who are deeply invested in technology, whether that’s socially or for work, have a hard time stepping out. It’s a type of security blanket. Like puffalumps. or booze.
I’m aware of it. Some are less aware of it. It’s reality and it’s not likely to go away.
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It’s interesting how it’s gained such a negative connotation. I have friends in their early thirties saying “I’m not a millennial!” That’s like trying to deny that they were born in 1986.
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It’s fine if you think you can multitask and write emails, text, Tumble, whatever while also keeping up with what’s going on around you.
Multitasking is a myth according to the neuroscience community. You are spreading your attention around via “microswitching” in your brain. Some people are better than that than others, but it’s still not multitasking.
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I hate to break it to you, but the same shit went on in the past, except instead of reading phones, it was reading the newspaper during conversations. It’s not unique to “the youths these days”. It’s just good old universal human dickishness.
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Still can’t wrap my head around people like her. I work in the tech industry so I work with a lot of 20 something’s and I can’t help but shake my head at some of them. Granted though, the millennials who do last at my company don’t do this type of thing and can actually take criticism and thankfully it’s more than half of them. The rest though, are whiny hypersensitive snowflakes that throw a fit and sulk when they’re expected to adult.
We can always tell who’s going to make it and who isn’t by the out sick emails after the Christmas party. Being hangover is not an excuse to call out of work, you put on your big boy/girl pants, suck it up and come in hungover like the rest of us.
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I think there’s those of us who are blissfully unaware of themselves, and those painfully aware of those in our age group...
But frankly there’s nothing to be done except prove YOURSELF. We are all lazy and stupid millennials, and anything you say gets lumped into whiny millennials. Resuts are all that count.
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My ass. I’ve never been more consistently late as when I was relying on a GenX for a ride :)
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I don’t blame everyone, but I do blame you specifically. It kind of awkward though, since no one seems to understand when I tell them “put your phone down and stop acting like such a frigging TheHondaBro.”
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Shit, if a hangover is an excuse for a sick day my arm’s gotta earn me two months paid. Where do I apply?
Seriously though... you feel like shit because of something you deliberately did to yourself. stfu and get in
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I completely agree with that. I even feel more comfortable parking if I turn the radio off first.
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“Did you get the email I sent you a minute ago about converting a document to PDF?”
So much time could be saved in the modern workplace if corportate training included “Looking for answers to simple problems on the internet.”
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I had a coworker whose job broadened to take on extra responsibilities. He went to the department head to ask for a raise and was politely informed that it was policy to only give raises during the annual review period, but that those new responsibilities would be a factor when raises were being decided.
So he went to HR to ask THEM for a raise.
It... it was not well received.
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I have a very good memory, which is both a blessing and a curse - I’m constantly inundated with silly questions that the person on the other end could easily answer themselves in about 3 minutes, but they choose to ask me because it’s faster (and more importantly, lazier). It irritates me, but it also gives me job security on the deeper dive stuff.
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Especially in smaller companies. And if you find something you’re good at, if you don’t like it you better express them feelings now or quit. Trying to break out of that role later is like trying to find a new position on a VERY-memory foam mattress. You’re pretty much there to stay.
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Yeah, how to torpedo your advancement prospects at a company 101 right there.
If you truly believe you deserve more money then you need to bring management a competing job offer with a higher compensation and see if they’re willing to deal. You also have to realize that if you do this you must be willing to take the other job AND that you could change the relationship with your current employer for the worse. I have found some companies seem to be okay with these tactics but most times they also see you as a cog with varying degrees of value and if your value no longer meets what they want, you’re gone.
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It’s totally that kind of day!
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Can I join? I’m usually a minimum of 15 minutes early for EVERYTHING. Otherwise I consider myself late. It’s a big problem outside of work though... especially when meeting dates.
I also hate being lumped in with Millennials... 1987 model year.
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I have a buddy that was offered a job. After the original offer of a full time job, the hiring manager came back and informed him that corporate had changed the job and it was no longer a full time position. He blew a shit fit, and immediately after getting off the phone with the hiring manager went over their head. Can you believe a company wouldn’t hire someone who was a problem employee before they were even hired?
In his defense I would have been pissed, and would have told the hiring manager to pound sand if they tried to change their job offer after giving it to me. Though I would have had the sense to do it in a professional manner that wouldn’t get me blacklisted at that company in the even a future job were to open up. It’s not the difficult to say “I’m sorry, but while I would like to work for your company that is not possible in a part time position.” The hiring manager understands, and if a full time position opens in the future you can actually apply for it.
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I try to avoid responding immediately and setting precedent for this exact reason. Do it regularly and there’s the expectation that you will always be able to. If you always do it it can be a huge distraction.
Kinda weird application of “just because you can doesn’t mean you should”, but accurate.
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The research also points to poor attention among those who “microswitch” a lot.
“I’m paying a lot of attention”
No, actually your body is not designed to be able to make that statement.
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Yep - I do a bit of the same, depending on what the request is/who it’s from. If it’s from someone who should know better and isn’t above me, I find that those questions often go away on their own, if you know what I mean. :)
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I’m definitely not the typical millenial. I’m up at 5am to go work out and am at work by 7:30 at the latest, own a house and a car, and graduated with zero student loan debt. Though I will say that even though I work hard and get my stuff done I generally don’t donate time to the company. I’ll work extra if there is a serious issue that needs immediate attention, but I don’t know why the older generations will regularly work an extra 10-20 hours a week for free.
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I am in the Gen X line, but just barely. I am the gap of the slightly older so I remember the 80s and know enough on technology to make most teenagers ask me for advice.
However, many programs and apps out there (Instagram, snapchat and others) make my skin crawl. So I can take a photo...or short image movie...and it is available for 2 minutes and then deleted? Wut?
My younger friends tried to get me on these programs, demonstrated them to me and I laughed discussing how I am too old for this bullshit. If they want to talk to me they can call, stop by my house or shoot me a regular text.
There is almost an information overload on social media. I don’t care what you are eating, how cute your puppy is, or how your coffee wasn’t perfect.
What I do care about...is you. Not a play by play...let’s get a beer and talk like we should.
I am typically a manager or a boss, so I have to deal with all age groups. Right now the Gen Y/Millennials are struggling with identity...and I wonder if the helicopter parents and very soft society has stunted some of their development. It seems many are Man-Childs.
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LOL. Really brought you guys out of the wood work with a sarcastic remark, huh?
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I wasn’t sure if you were serious, but I know plenty who are, so I said not necessarily you, but maybe you, because I don’t know you, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t nail it right on the head. I work with a couple of guys whose mantra is your sarcastic comment, so it’s hard to tell sometimes.
My comment was mostly intended for the person in the story, though.
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As an old Gen X’er, you are absolutely right on that last point - and I’m frequently guilty of it myself, but trying to break that habit. One of the things that ‘Millenials’ do get right is that they (stereotypically) are working toward a true work/life balance that has eluded a lot of my generation. Now I’m 49 and trying to fix it myself, but old habits die hard.
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Yup, I’m the same way and it drives me nuts that my wife can’t ever be on time. She’s getting better, but when we first met being 30min late was early for her. It was bad.
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More or less. I’m not that far up the chain (not that there’s much of one), so my questions generally come from someone who should know better that’s above. 5/10 times I have to ask someone else above me anyway... that they could have asked just as easily.
For all I know it could be payback—I’ve certainly asked him my fair share of dumb questions too :)
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My biggest complaint (and hardship) at work.
We hire a lot of fresh out of college students and I can’t tell you the number of conversations I’ve had with HR because I told someone to put their phone away while they are working. This is often concluded with put your phone away while working with customers... And I say it in a much much much more professional and light hearted manner than that, but they get butt hurt when they can’t do what they want to do. The part that drives me the most insane is we have a policy that states, clearly (and this is nearly verbatim) if management deems the use of a personal mobile device to be distracting from the work environment, management can disallow use of the associates personal mobile device while at work. failure to comply with this policy can result in disciplinary action up to or including termination.
When I present this to HR theres always a bit about well its how you approach the situation.
Drives me literally insane how sensitive young people are. (worst part is, Im technically a millennial [insert tear face here])
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Hey, you’re right. I’m giving 100%, doing side work (did 60 hours last week with both jobs, 80 the week before) and have been overall working my ass off for the last year trying for a promotion. I really love what I do but am going to have to leave in a few months if nothing comes of this, because I have a mortgage and bills to pay, AND a life to live.
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Nah, I was being sarcastic and didn’t even read the whole post. I’m the guy standing there introducing myself while dressed better than my co-workers and employees above me. I work a full-time and do side work and bust my ass and have a LOT of pride in what I do. If I leave my full-time gig it will be upper management’s fault because they would rather have two CIOs making half a mil a year each and try to figure out where the nickels and dimes at the bottom are going than give promotions from within.
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Oh, I agree. It’s when you’re doing work that wasn’t in your original job description for over a year without compensation (both salary and job level) that it get’s tricky ;-)
Lighten up, Francis.
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lol. I was at a conference in Vegas this time last year, with two coworkers and their boss, who was at the time, my boss’s boss. One night we all went out, boss man went back at 11, one coworker made it until 1AM ish, and I stayed out with the other guy until 4. I was the only one besides the boss man to get to the conference floor at 7; I was the youngest there and was 28.. so not nearly my 22 year old drink all night self either.
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Thank you for pointing that out.
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The definition kind of sucks. I tend to consider millennials people born after 1993. At that point, they don’t have a memory of a world without the internet. 1960-80 would be gen-X and and 80-90 would be gen-Y.
I was born in 87 and my brother in 90. I see the millennial traits in him but not so in my peers.
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I’m a gen x, which is generally considered to have ended in 1980. The following generation used to be called Gen Y for the kids born in the 80s and early 90s. Now everyone after the mid-80s is called a millennial. despite a 30 something having zero in connection with a teenager. I hate to say it, but it reeks of the baby boomers grouping everyone younger than them as a “millennial”.
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I find as well that I listen and think well when my eyes are looking at something else or at nothing. I have to consciously focus to look at someone’s face.
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We had a similar instance at a prior job of mine, except the guy was actually a year or so older than me in his mid 30s. He had a habit of openly reading sports news while with clients. The partner he worked under was less than enthused by it. One might say, furious.
I think you may see more of it in the younger generation who’ve literally had a smart phone since they can remember, but us older folks can be guilty of it as well.
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The last 2 times I’ve negotiated an entry level job offer with a millennial, I’ve had to walk away. In both cases they passed the interview, everything went well, and when the offer package went out, they turned it down and asked for 25%-50% more than I make with 10 years+ of experience. Not only is that insulting but the offers that I make are well thought out, 15% over market, and take advancement track into account. It seems like most of these young people browse Glassdoor until they find something that’s $125k/yr and convince themselves that’s what they are.
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Just stopped in to say that I’m enjoying this thread. And also that older generations have started to adopt this behavior as if the young people are making it acceptable through sheer mass action.
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Yep...I’m a young Gen-Xer and still can’t figure out the attitude of “let’s just throw a lot of extra hours at the problem” mentality, especially with older people. I’m thankful to the Millenial stereotype of work/life balance helping me to make my case. If we don’t band together, these Baby Boomers that run the companies will run us all into the ground...
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Of course. Generations are more a state of mind than a real age. Thank you for being early.
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It feels like you’re always switching around if you always look at the current speaker, whereas if you look at nothing in particular (or at least nothing related) the conversation seems to flow.
That and it feels awkward to stare at someone’s face all the time if they aren’t talking directly to you.
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It’s around 32-33 that shit really goes down hill. I had my first multi-day hangover around 32, but I was still drunk most of day 1 of the hangover so my body was pretty wrecked.
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But you don’t call older people who are dipshits “those fucking baby boomers.” Just call them dipshits if they’re dipshits.
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Most generations in the last hundred years have been referring to people who span 15-20 or more years. Anytime you try to make generalized statements about people based on age, it’s not going to go well. It’s especially not going to go well I reference to people born around the boundaries. Are my 31 year old millenial friends going to have more in common with a 36 year old gen Xer or a 20 year old millennial? It’s all fluid, with slight differences every year. Putting an artificial boundary between generations is about as natural as the American border fence that juts out into the Pacific Ocean.
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Okay, I will 100% agree with that one. It is odd how the older generations have a strong tendency to do that.
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Agreed. I’ve worked for two Fortune 100 companies. My job is IT/AV support for the top executives. In a big town hall meeting, do you know who is on their phone the most? The executive staff. It’s rare you get one that can be present enough to take any direction. But I’ve been talked to for being on my phone during a meeting (I was texting the audio guy in the next room telling him to turn up the microphones). I don’t think it’s a generational thing. I think it’s more that some people suck and are always on their phone. Some people suck and are offended if someone is on their phone.
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This is why generalization is bad. The only traits that Millenials have are the ones we artificially describe to them. It’s created a lot of backlash. Just look up and down this post to find people trying to jump ship from being a Millennial.
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Sad thing is my generation, gen z (nicknamed “iGen,” kill me) everyone is like this, every conversation has a phone in someone’s hands, the only thing we do without phones is play uno or cards against humanity, at least there’s still that.
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Scrabble is ruined forever. Or fixed. Whatever.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:02 |
Yea. Across multiple occupations as well.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:02 |
Thank you for understanding, and you’re welcome.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:04 |
So you put this person into an uncomfortable situation (lunch out of the blue, with no prior warning). What if she was in the middle of putting out a big fire, or working on a project where the key person was about to leave and needed some last minute instruction? Then you ask her to lunch. She feels obligated but more things keep coming up.
The death stare could have been confusion. The future sulking could be because she doesn’t know how to get her job done while also socializing with you for an hour throughout the day.
There’s two sides to this story and we’re only getting one. The actions are then being extrapolated and blamed on an entire generation of millions of people, which seems short sighted.
Yes, some millennials suck. So do people of all generations. However, I’ve worked in two large companies in my career and seen most millennials working their ass off. Lots of them who can run circles around their older, more experienced coworkers. In general, we’re better educated and have a broader experience level than people our age at any point in history. Work with us and we’ll work with you.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:04 |
My wife is already at that level LOL. I usually don’t get hungover that badly so long as I keep myself hydrated. I know it’ll hit me soon enough.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:06 |
Yea, thats fucked up. I could make six figures in the private sector, I’m just looking get 3/4 of that right now at my state gig. Seems like you are the good guy and just serving to dipshits. What the location and and industry if you don’t mind me asking?
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:07 |
I 100% agree. I try my hardest to put the phone away and not have it bother me while I am talking and doing stuff with friends, but those same people don’t do the same.
For example: Last night I went to the grocery store and decided to call my friend back. He and I were dating and he moved to Colorado, but we decided to keep in touch and junk cause we are good friends and have feelings for eachother. Any way, so I got to the cashier and hung up to call back later. So I got to my car and called him back, but during both the first and the second conversation he would say hold on as he responded to text messages... Are you fucking kidding me?! I take time to call and catch up and you are busy texting cause your friend quit her job? Who fucking cares? Just finish my conversation the person actively talking to you or just tell me you are busy and will call back later pissed me right off. Though I should not be surprised cause he was always one to twiddle with his phone fucking everywhere. Out to dinner=phone out, at the bar= phone out, just sitting at one of our places watching movies and hanging out = phone out. I swear to god his phone died while we were out and he would like kinda shift like he just got off doing meth. People are genuinely addicted to smartphones. Almost makes me want a dumb phone for just text etc.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:14 |
Bay area startup in aerospace but not SpaceX. As a side note, spaceX does not pay well.
In one of those two negotiations, I got an offer approved for the candidate that was 13k more than I make because I thought it was the right thing to do. When it was turned down, I was a bit shattered.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:16 |
Goddamn. That’s the epitome of the title of this thread.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:21 |
Precisely. It feels weird to stare into someone’s eyes unless you’re about to kiss them. It’s as uncomfortable as having someone stare at you.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:24 |
We had to ban personal phones at one of our facilities (driven by a change in security policy, nothing directly to do with productivity) and...my god...you would have thought the world was ending for the under 30s. The teeth gnashing and threats to quit were hilarious. Even spent some capital to put in a ‘mobile refresh station’ (aka we took an old server room that was outside the perimeter and added some nice chairs/couches and a TV) so people would have a place to screw around on their phones on breaks but that was soooo not good enough. Anyhow, I’d say 90% of them got over it in a couple weeks, though there’s still a few forlorn souls who transit to the lobby every hour to get their fix. I was worried that by instituting that it was going to become impossible to get through to the youngsters at lunches/client sites because they’d be trying to ‘catch up’ on their shadow digital lives, but fortunately my pessimism was unwarranted...turns out that forcing them to disconnect 8-10 hours per day has made them more comfortable doing so and I see less (not none, but it’s significant) distraction even when they have their PEDs on them.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 12:32 |
Yeah, but lots of millennials compensate for it by pretending that every baby boomer is a nazi and commenting about how they can’t wait for them all to die. So it sort of evens out, I think.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 13:21 |
I get people to give me money despite adding zero value.
The corporate mindset in a nutshell.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 13:26 |
I have managed a manufacturing facility for eight years that does work for corporate clients. It is shocking how inept many of them are. I feel like the guys in Office Space when dealing with clients who have no idea how to do their jobs. It’s almost like their job is to just send emails.
“What would you say...you do here?”
![]() 06/06/2017 at 13:49 |
Yep, going over managements head for a raise is stupid but so is the annual review/raise only policy. If an employee is asked to expand their job role a raise should come with it before being asked to commit to the extra work long term.
For any old timers who are still clueless about how younger generations work, the rules have definitely changed. Top talent only asks for a raise once then if rejected immediately starts looking for another job. They also never accept a counter offer. So if you want a young valuable, talented employee to stick around treat them well. Loyalty and climbing the ladder the traditional way is not of interest to them. There are too many other employers and often get +20% raises when they switch. Elimination of pensions and uncertainty with social security have eliminated loyalty. It is not the fault of the younger generations.